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Welcome to Vest!
Your Special Needs Digital Care Plan
From diagnosis, to therapy, to daily routines, Vest keeps everything neatly organized and at your fingertips, from any device.
Safely share key information and guidance with others so they'll know what to do for your child's care when you're not there.

Easy to start
Easy to use
Easy on your pocketbook

Guidance for Care
Your Vest dashboard makes it easy to keep your child's key information organized, current, and always available when and where you need it.
Your Child's Rights to Inclusion and Acceptance
Vest is your powerful record-keeper to enusure your child's inclusion and acceptance across all ages and stages of life.

Peace of Mind
Confidence, certainty, and hopefullness
Vest embodies your guiding hand for your child's lifetime support and care, even when you can't be there.
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